Lordship Title of Whikey ID13361

Title Type:
Previous Lords:
In the 13th century part of Little Staughton was held of the Earl of Hereford and Essex as parcel of his honour of Kimbolton. In 1286–7 the earl claimed that a tenth part of Little Staughton was his, and that he had a view of frankpledge there. His tenants were the Peyvre family, who were granted rights of free warren in Little Staughton in 1253. This property was appurtenant to the manor of Pertenhall (q.v.), and possibly became separated from the Pertenhall property at a later date, as in 1518 the Peyvres' successors the Darells are recorded as holding a manor of WHIKEY. No further mention of this 'manor' occurs, but there is a Wickey Farm in Little Staughton parish at the present day.
Other Information:
Manorial Counsel Limited has created a new legal right to bring the titles of this lordship back into use.
Listed in the Domesday Book:

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